How Can I Convince Myself Not to Overeat?

546.04Rani writes:

Dear Michael Laitman,

You always talk in your programs about harmony and balance. But my whole family is completely out of balance. And it is not just my family. Today children suffer from overeating and obesity from childhood. They grow up, and the race for weight loss begins, like with my wife. All sorts of starvation programs to lose weight, pills, counting calories. I want to ask you: maybe in order for a person to have a balanced diet, they must first achieve internal balance?

My Response: Of course, we see that when a person starts to get nervous, they start eating more, and so on.

Question: Do we just need inner balance and not any weight loss programs or calorie counts?

Answer: None of that.

Question: Then the main question is how to achieve this. You could win the Nobel Prize right now if you could advise humanity on how to lose weight. How can one come into balance with oneself, into equilibrium?

Answer: Everything must be related to the Creator, only to Him. We need to understand that everything comes from Him, and everything is for us to realize that we are constantly correcting our nature that is initially completely opposite to the Creator, and that we are moving toward Him, getting closer to Him.

If we do not come closer to Him, we will still be approaching Him, and things will get worse for us. But if we know that we must come closer to the Creator, then we will act wisely, and our approach to Him will be benevolent.

Comment: I personally feel that here lies the entire truth. That is, while I am fixated on the body, I will not advance anywhere; I will be fixated on it. But I need to focus on the Creator.

My Response: On the Creator.

Question: At what point does balance happen? How many attempts do I need until suddenly at some point there is peace?

Answer: You need to set yourself in advance that search for balance is my life.

Question: Usually we fail all starvation programs and start gaining weight again. Are you saying that even if we fail, but keep advancing toward the Creator, this search for balance will give us…?

Answer: It will give us a happy life.

Question: And we will not need any programs, none of that?

Answer: Nothing. I should reach a state where I eat to exist and maintain balance.

Question: Not more?

Answer: No more. What for?

Question: When will I start living like that?

Answer: When you understand that it is precisely in balance, in equilibrium that you find the connection with the Creator. He is gradually revealed in you, and you feel it.

Question: Does one way or another everything come down to this?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Can we completely reduce all our questions to this?

Answer: Absolutely everything!
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 1/22/24

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