Demand Correction

558Question: Why does Baal HaSulam use the concept of sightly to refer to flaws rather than purity, for example? What is considered sightly?

Answer: Sightly refers to the purity of thoughts, care for one another, help, and support, everything a person reveals in their heart regarding the friends.

Question: When I conduct internal scrutiny and become increasingly convinced that I belong to this sightliness less than others, inevitable disappointment and despair come. How do I correctly present my flaws to the Creator?

Answer: Just like that, bring them to Him so He may correct you. Do not hesitate, but come to Him, ask, cry, and demand that He correct all your flaws.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/10/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “A Sightly Flaw in You”

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