When Will the Material Problems Disappear?

547.06Question: Is it true that our material sufferings should lead us to turn them into spiritual ones? And how do we do that?

Answer: It depends on finding out how much you understand that, in principle, there are no material problems.

Only spiritual problems descend into our world and are clothed in various material phenomena, no more than that.

Question: If we unite, material problems will remain anyway, but we will go through them faster. How can we tune in to the fact that they will not leave, but we will be able to work with them through the reforming light?

Answer: You must imagine that all your problems will lose their negative appearance, and you, on the contrary, will succeed in your advancement toward the Creator, and material problems will gradually disappear.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/12/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “And the Saboteur Was Sitting”

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