Psalms—Connection with Infinity

525Question: When you read the Psalms of David, there is such a strong connection that you feel the meaning of every word. Is it the revelation of the letters or a connection with the author?

Answer: This is not yet a connection with the author nor the revelation of the letters. We have yet to achieve this. This is simply revelation of a certain next level of connection with the Creator, but still a very small one.

Question: How does the understanding of the reading come about?

Answer: Pray, ask that the inner meaning of the words be revealed to you, that King David would reveal to you what he wanted to say. He was a great Kabbalist, which is why he reached such heights.

All Psalms from beginning to end can be read in any state. They are very, very sensual. Each of them contains a piece of infinity.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/14/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “A Commentary on the Psalm, ‘For the Winner over Roses’”

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The Special Power of Psalms
The Psalms Of King David
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