The First Murder in History

253Arkady writes:

I have never heard such an explanation of the Torah as you explain it. Everyone talks about human laws that are described there, and you say that this is instruction on how to get out of egoism. Everyone says that Adam and Eve, Abraham, Moses were people, but you say they are powers.

I beg you to explain, what is this story with Cain and Abel? I am sure it is important for everyone to know what happened there because it was the first murder in history, and it gave impetus to all the murders on earth.

As you know, Cain and Abel were the children of Adam and Eve. Cain was a tiller of the soil and Abel was a shepherd of flocks. The Creator liked Abel’s sacrifice more than Cain’s. And then it is said that out of envy one killed the other. Cain killed Abel. It is even written: “And while they were in the field, Cain rose up against his brother Abel and slew him.”

Can you tell me what this is talking about?

Answer: It is about the fact that a person follows his egoism and fulfills all its demands.

Question: Who is Abel and who is Cain? What is it in a person?

Answer: These are two directions, two forces, in our development. Abel is a relatively good path. And Cain is a tougher path, one who believes that everything can be achieved by force. So they quarreled among themselves. All this is inside a person.

Question: So this strong path, Cain, prevailed? And is this what humanity has become as a result? Is what we see today all the consequence of Cain in us?

Answer: Yes.

Question: It is said everywhere that this happened because of envy. What is this in us, Cain as envy?

Answer: I would say that they both have envy. The only difference is in the implementation of this envy. Cain’s implementation is forceful while Abel’s is diplomatic and peaceful. That is, envy also came to us from the collision of two forces. That is why all these periods are called forefathers.

Question: The story about Cain and Abel says that the Creator, before this murder, said to Cain: “Why are you so vexed, and why is your face downcast? After all, if you do good, you will be forgiven, and If you do not do good, sin lies at the entrance, and you are attracted to it.  You rule over it.” These phrases have become known worldwide, everyone repeats them. What is it like when they tell you: “Come to your senses. Sin lies at the entrance. You must rule over it.” What does this mean?

Answer: It means to rule over your sin, over your impulses, over the Cain in yourself. And, of course, it does not work out.

Question: And what is it that the Creator says to man? Where does it come from? How does this manifest itself?

Answer: This is the inner conscience, this is the inner strength of a person which, in principle, tells him that this is not the right thing to do. But, as you can see, this does not help to this day.

Question: Yes, this does not help yet. Does everyone have this inside?

Answer: Everyone has it, of course.

Question: So the very last scoundrel has an inner conscience?

Answer: It is much easier to kill and bury.

Question: Exactly! This is so relevant!

Why was this done? Why was this released into the world? This is about the basics.

Answer: It is so that a person can be convinced that the only correct path is the path of love for each other. But it is very difficult!

Question: So the foundation is still love?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Does this show us that this path is wrong? But humanity has followed this path.

Answer: This is our nature.

Question: How can we return to the path of love, which is at the foundation of everything?

Answer: Realize it. Now we need to realize that the path we have taken in our development over thousands of years is wrong.

Question: To do this, it was necessary to go through suffering, murder, and now everything continues?

Answer: Of course. But we do not know how deep it is. How much of a revolution this must be within a person’s entire system, his relationship with himself and with others.

Question: So what should happen between Cain and Abel?

Answer: They should understand how to treat each other. And they should correctly divide among themselves what they received from the Creator.

Question: So, if the Creator preferred Abel, then what should Cain have done?

Answer: Break himself. But I cannot imagine how it is possible.

Question: Although, this phrase is said: “Sin lies at the entrance. You must rule over it.” So this is the main phrase here?

Answer: Yes.

Question: And we cannot do this?

Answer: No.

Question: How can we do this? We could not to this day!

Answer: I don’t know. Killing the root of evil in you is impossible. This is how the Creator created us. But we still have to ask Him.

Comment: This is an instruction from Him, “You must rule over it.”

My Response: I want to rule over myself, over my original sin, but You must help me with this. This was practically Cain’s mistake.

Question: And now it is the mistake of humanity, which does not find Cain within itself, by and large?

Answer: Yes. Look how everyone justifies themselves.

Question: What should we do to find the Cain, the murderer, the envious person in us?

Answer: Our most important task must be the truth! Rise above our nature, above egoism. Today, this is absolutely a fantasy!

Question: Why is it getting worse and worse?

Answer: Man is developing. These are all layers of development; they accumulate and cover each other, and eventually become…somewhere there, in their depths, even their original cause is not visible.

Question: Yes. We do not see that we are like that. We do not see that Cain is at our core.

What needs to happen so that love and truth suddenly prevail in a person?

Answer: This is called awareness of evil.

How can we get there? I don’t know. To do this, we need the Creator to reveal to us that we, all people are relatives to each other, so that like my little child, or grandson, anything, let’s say that is as the most precious thing I have, I can see that it is in a stranger. Somehow we need to understand this.

Comment: That is, I can still somehow see this in my child, but I need to see it in a stranger.

My Response: In someone else’s child, in a stranger, you should see something so close, so dear and beloved that is higher than you. Then maybe it will work out.

Question: Is this possible?

Answer: If the Creator shows our connection between us, our dependence, where truly a stranger becomes closer to you than you are to yourself.

Question: Anyway, we should come to this prayer?

Answer: Yes.

Question: And then, perhaps, He will show. But will He show?

Answer: I am sure of it!

Question: Do you have hope only in Him, generally?

Answer: Of course! Certainly. There is no hope for anything anymore. Only if the Creator does it for us. Let’s hope.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 10/19/23

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