How to Enjoy the Creator

509Question: Kabbalistic sources say that working in the Torah and the commandments leads to benefits and pleasures received in the Kelim of bestowal. Why is there so much talk about pleasure if one who works in bestowal does not seem to have to think about them anymore?

Answer: A Kabbalist receives pleasure to please the Creator. Otherwise, what will he give to the Creator? By making calculations, he receives pleasures, feels them, evaluates them, and transmits them to the Creator.

For him the most important thing is the Creator, and the pleasure and everything he does with them are only means of turning to the Creator, achieving the Creator, filling Him.

Question: Why is it that when you feel pleasure from any work in the ten, thoughts immediately come that this is the wrong pleasure, not from what it should be?

Answer: Because it is very important for us that our pleasures are correct and we do not deviate in the opposite direction. After all, if pleasure for its own sake passes through our egoism, then we do not move toward the goal.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/11/23, Writings of Rabash “What Does It Mean that the Creation of the World Was by Largess?“

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