The Creator Constantly Takes Care of You

538Question: Once a wise man was asked, “How do you not get tired of always being alone?” And he replied, “I have plenty to do. I have to teach two hawks and two eagles, calm two rabbits, train a snake, motivate a donkey, and tame a lion.”

“But where are they?” he was asked. The wise man answered, “They are within me. Two hawks are my eyes, two eagles are my hands, and the rabbits are my legs. The most difficult is the snake. It is always ready to attack, bite, and sting with poison and that is my tongue. The donkey is stubborn and it is my body. The lion wants to rule. He is proud, arrogant, and thinks that the whole world should revolve around him. I have a lot of work to do.”

Is it right to look at the world like this, or at least approximately like this?

Answer: Approximately, yes. What I see and whom I see, I see it all within myself. And that is all my work.

Question: His work, as this wise man says, is always to tame, stop, hold back his tongue, his lion, and so on. Is it correct to be constantly in such a game?

Answer: In such a state, yes.

Question: In relation to what should this happen?

Answer: In relation to one’s egoism and universal compassion.

Question: So compassion should stand before me? And with that in mind, I go through all this. It turns out that everything around me exists for me—everything. And should every person think like this?

Answer: Of course!

Question: Can you say why it is done this way? After all a person doesn’t have such an understanding.

Answer: It is so that you gather such impressions throughout your life and then find a solution.

Question: I have gathered these impressions: There I am beaten and here I am beaten; there I was offended and here my “I” was leveled to the ground, simply trampled on! And I have to say that it is all within me?

Answer: All of it is you. And all of it is for you to understand the plan.

Question: You said that compassion stands before a person. So is that the plan? Aim for compassion?

Answer: Yes.

Question: And I really have to tame everything within me?

Answer: Yes, calmly tame.

Question: So we have constant work and there can be no rest?

Answer: Yes, that is how it is written.

Question: Even as we age and retire in our world, do we still continue this work?

Answer: Yes, until the last moment.

Question: How can one keep this compassion before oneself and live and work with that in mind?

Answer: By remembering that you stand before the Creator who is absolutely kind, benevolent, wise, and is constantly taking care of you!

Question: The most terrible pain and these are my thoughts? The most terrible humiliation and I say, “This is taking care of me”?

Answer: Yes.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 10/26/23

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