Formula of Immortality

963.5Olga writes:

I was struck by your statement that nothing belongs to a person. You also said that if a person has two desires. On the one hand, he believes that the whole world belongs to the Creator, but on the other hand, something also belongs to a person, then this is a problem.

On the one hand, I understand that if only it were so, then there would not be these terrible wars – nothing belongs to me and that’s it. But is it really true that nothing belongs to a person?

Answer: Yes, nothing belongs to a person. What can belong to him?

Comment: Then she writes: “But still, my life, my family, my apartment, and so on is mine!”

My Response: This is yours. For just a couple more years and that’s it. You will leave all this, just as they, your family will leave it in due time. Nothing belongs to a person. He came, visited, and left.

Question: You said that if a person has two desires, then this is a problem. On the one hand, he believes that the whole world belongs to the Creator. He does believe this, after all. But on the other hand, something belongs to a person. Is this quirk a big problem?

Answer: Yes.

Comment: This means that everything belongs to the Creator, this is your formula that you hold on to.

My Response: Or vice versa, nothing belongs to a person.

Comment: Either everything belongs to the Creator or nothing belongs to a person.

My Response: Yes.

Question: Then the question is: to whom does everything belong?

Answer: What is the difference?

Question: Is there no difference? Does it mean that I can live with this formula: nothing belongs to me?

Answer: Of course.

Question: Then would there be no wars or borders at all?

Answer: What can I say about it? There would be no wars… As if people live according to this formula. Everyone wants to live for his own sake, for himself, and so that everyone else obeys him.

Question: Then there is this question, and she asks it: “Why then are we given the feeling that something belongs to us?”

Answer: So that you would fight it, correct it, cut out everything that you think is yours, and give it to the Creator!

Question: So, are you saying here that there is a host of everything?

Answer: Of course, there is a host. He was, is, and will be.

Question: Tell me how to come to this state that everything is not mine?

Answer: In general, it is very good and very simple. One just needs to tune in to it. Then from morning to evening, from evening to morning, a person lives as if this all is not his.

Question: In principle, is this the feeling of the Kabbalists who wrote this quote?

Answer: This is their feeling; they live and were living like this. What is wrong or hard about it? Nothing.

Question: That is, in principle, if you come to this state, does the lightness of being appear?

Answer: No! I would not say that this is lightness. As if they are doing this because of the lightness! No.

Question: Do they not recommend it because it will make life easier for you?

Answer: No, of course not! These are not the conditions; these are absolutely not the reasons. These are reasons for a person to change himself to reach this state.

Question: What should disappear in me? What should I kill, crush, or turn over in myself?

Answer: Egoism. That there is nothing of yours in you, including yourself.

Question: Is this my egoism saying: “Everything is mine”? Is this the basis of all the troubles, by and large? That “Everything is mine” is egoism.

Answer: Yes.

Question: It is our nature—egoism. When I say “everything is mine,” is it our nature?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Why complicate the work so much?! To this extent?!

Answer: So that, from this point onward, you would work on yourself and understand that you do not belong to yourself in any way either. When you come to this, you cross the border between life and death calmly and easily.

Question: Do you mean that death is the result of something belonging to me?

Answer: Of course. Life belongs to you.

Comment: My life belongs to me.

My Response: Yes. They take it away from you. This is called death.

Comment: And if my life does not belong to me, then there is no death either.

My Response: There is no death.

Question: Have you and I come to the formula of immortality?

Answer: Yes. So far. There is even further, but at least this.

Question: I want to summarize. Do you think that it is possible for a person to come to this state where nothing belongs to me?

Answer: It is in the person’s power to come to a state that nothing belongs to him, and he does not belong to himself either.

Question: This addition “I do not belong to myself,” why do you add it strenuously?

Answer: Because this is the most important thing.

Question: Do I not belong to myself?

Answer: No.

Question: Do I belong to someone?

Answer: To the upper force.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 10/30/23

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