The Advantage of the Accelerated Path

760.4It turns out that there are two authorities here acting in the above-mentioned conduct of development: One is the authority of heaven, which is sure to turn anything harmful and evil to good and useful, but it will come in its time, in its own way, heavily, and after a long time. Then there is the authority of the earth. When the “evolving object” is a living, feeling being, it suffers horrendous torments and pains while under the “press of development” which carves its way ruthlessly.

The “authority of the earth,” however, consists of people who have taken this above-mentioned law of development under their own government and can free themselves entirely from the chains of time, and who greatly accelerate time, namely the completion of the ripeness and correction of the object, which is the end of its development (Baal HaSulam, “Peace in the World“).

Question: What are we accelerating every moment?

Answer: Our development. If we attract light from above, it affects us and develops us.

At the same time, the order of development does not change; the speed changes because if we go in the same direction as the whole general process, then we become involved in it and develop faster. This is called Achishena (accelerated path).

And if we don’t go with it, we still develop, but against our will. And it’s called Beito when everything has its time.

Question: At every moment something happens to us and this leads a person to correction. And what are we speeding up here? Compressing the course of events?

Answer: That’s right. We are speeding up time.

Question: Then do these events take place in some other plane?

Answer: These events can pass quickly, change us, and put us in a new state every time, and sometimes they can delay us. In general they help us realize where we are and what we need to do next.

It depends on us how correctly we will react to what the Creator does to us. If we reacted correctly to an event, and it shrank to a single moment, then we were able to understand, realize, and include in ourselves all the changes that the Creator wants to make in us.

Question: How do we figure it out? He doesn’t give instructions.

Answer: The Creator gave us a complete instruction, and the simplest one. He says that if you connect with each other, then you move forward on the right road. That is all. What is not clear here?

Question: And how is the fact that we connect in a group, in a ten, connected with the event that is happening?

Answer: When we connect with each other, we bring the light of the Creator through us to all mankind, especially to those desires and properties that are far from the right creation. And it turns out that the whole world is moving forward.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/20/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Peace in the World”

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