Perfect Service

961.2Question: Where is the line where I can tell myself if I am in self-sacrifice or in the work?

Answer: Devotion of the soul (Mesirut Nefesh) is called self-sacrifice; it is when a person comes to a state where he is ready to give everything for the sake of the quality of bestowal and love.

Question: Do the stages of self-sacrifice and work transform into one another: from self-sacrifice to work and from work to self-sacrifice?

Answer: It is the same thing. This is work, only on the terms of self-sacrifice.

Question: But a person can get stuck in a state of self-sacrifice because egoism is so tricky that it will always find some kind of pleasure in this state?

Answer: But we must fight against this in order not to plug our egoism with all kinds of false gifts or handouts. We want to be only in the quality of bestowal to the Creator, and in no other way.

When we fulfill all the laws of connection between ourselves, the group and the Creator, that is, we act only in the name of bestowal, then we come to perfect work.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/31/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Devotion”

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