Development on Four Levels

294.2Question: There are histories of wars, religions, and the development of science. Why is human development judged by these three main parameters?

Answer: War is also a kind of development. On the one hand, there seems to be subjugation, death, and cruelty, while on the other hand, a very tough and vivid exchange of information, feelings, and contacts. There is no getting away from this, this is how war manifests.

In addition, the development of humanity is judged by these three parameters since they are very clear manifestations of egoism.

Moreover, egoism is manifested in the internal sphere: the way a person arranges his home, the way a person arranges his society (feudal, slaveholding, capitalist, etc.), including technology and science, and the way a person arranges himself internally, including religions, goals for the past and goals for the future.

All this comes from the fact that our egoistic desire forms in four phases: first, second, third, and fourth, as we learn from Kabbalah. Therefore, we need their parallel development: me as a person—my comfortable physiological state, including family, me in society, me in science, and me regarding spiritual development. That is, we develop on all four levels.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Evolution of Discoveries” 10/31/11

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