Light Turning into Darkness

515.02Question: If a person is given a certain portion of light and does not use it, can the light simply break him?

Answer: No! Then this light would reveal itself in him as darkness, and he is forced to run to the light. It is called “by a stick to happiness.”

We are growing from the bottom up. Until you are able to rise to the next level, you will not get it.

First, you have to set yourself up to receive, otherwise in what way will you feel the light? As much as the walls of your vessel grow, you feel its contents. Filling cannot happen any other way.

If a person is given a prospect and he does not use it, then it manifests itself in relation to him not as an opportunity of light, but as an opportunity of darkness, and the darkness thickens around him.

After all, what is a crisis? A crisis is our state that we should have felt as light, insight, saturation, receiving, confidence, happiness, warmth, security, and a good connection with others; but we feel the opposite because we did not prepare ourselves and did not unite to feel all this in the form of goodness.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The light is tearing apart” 9/29/11

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