With the Same Words

269Comment: Nowadays many people in the world speak practically with your words; they basically say the same thing.

My Response: Humanity is slowly coming to the same conclusions that were written in Kabbalah thousands of years ago, because such is evolution.

When Kabbalah tells people about this, they begin to move along with this wisdom: to change themselves, develop their sensitivity, and attain. Therefore, Kabbalists long before our time spoke of the upcoming crises as the last days of the correction of the world, i.e., about the correction of the last layers of egoism.

Today we must implement this. Thus, it is not surprising that people use the same words that I do. But the fact is that their words come from the small layer that they are beginning to attain today. We, however, speak to the extent that each of us attains what is happening, at a deeper level, since we are ahead of them along the axis of attainment and along the axis of development.

Usually, everyone is willing to listen to more developed people who look further than the rest. After all, they have already passed these states, so why “fill the bumps” at every step? But unfortunately, humanity does not hear us.

Therefore, we are left with the only solution: to disseminate Kabbalah in its normal form, in the form of science, in the form of information, and on the other hand, in the form of education where we explain to everyone how to approach this world today and how to participate in it.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Healing Energy” 10/1/11

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