The First Two Foundations of The Wisdom of Kabbalah

548.03Thus far, we have clarified the three foundations in the wisdom. The first is the light and the vessel, where the light is a direct extension of His self, and the vessel is the will to receive (Baal HaSulam, Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah, Item 17).

The light comes from the Creator and cascades through the system of worlds, Partzufim, and Sefirot as it gradually weakens until it reaches the lowest degree where it is already completely concealed.

The Kli is a vessel that gradually reveals the light, and thus passes it from above from the Creator Himself to the lowest levels.

The second fundamental concept of the wisdom of Kabbalah according to Baal HaSulam is the ten Sefirot and the four worlds.

While cascading from the Creator to our world, the lowest of the worlds, the light passes through ten stages of weakening and concealment, called the degrees of cascading. We study them in order to be able to rise from the lowest degree, at which we emerge, to the highest, which we eventually have to reach. These are the degrees of concealment.

Many degrees of concealment, successively connect with each other, and form a ladder called worlds.

They connect to each other, each ten degrees into a greater degree, then ten by ten into even greater degrees, and so on until they reach the highest degree.

We measure them in different ways. There are dimensions where the whole ladder of attainment consists of 625 steps; there are others with more and less steps. In general, it depends on the way we measure them.

But the main thing is that the highest degree is the Creator, the lowest one is the lowest level of our world, concealment. All these degrees from above downward or from below upward indicate that on each of them there are created beings and the light that fills them.

In principle, there are five main types of concealment, i.e., five worlds, the degrees of which are divided into five, and five more, and so on.
From KabTV’s “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah” 8/13/23

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