Summon the Upper Light!

624.02Question: Before crossing the Machsom, a person comes to a state when a cry to the Creator arises in him. This is the last point from which he enters the spiritual world. How can this point be described? Is it similar to an animal being cornered?

Answer: A person corners himself, but not toward death. By building the right and left lines in himself simultaneously, he drives himself between them so that the positive and negative parts are revealed in him: the property of bestowal (the spiritual property) and the property of reception (the egoistic property).

They are so opposite and insoluble that he utters a cry and calls the upper light upon himself, which can unite them together according to the rule “love will cover all transgressions.”

Question: But is this like a state where there are no more options and he screams?

Answer: No. This is a conscious state that does not come from above, but you yourself accumulate it within you. This is called the cry of the soul. If it comes from the depths of the heart, then the answer comes to it—the heavens open.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Last Cry Before Death” 10/20/11

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