Resolve Contradictions

962.2The “Introduction of The Book of Zohar” says that there is no greater pleasure than resolving contradictions because each contradiction contains an amazing opportunity to reveal a special degree of attainment of the Creator.

This means that if, when revealing contradictions, a person wants to overcome them with his inner qualities, then he approaches the state where he sees the common in all the diversity and contradiction of objects and phenomena. It is the realization of unity that is perfection.

Question: Suppose a person sees some kind of catastrophe and contradictions arise in him regarding the way the Creator governs the world. He cannot justify the Creator. After some time, is it suddenly revealed to him that it was for his own good, that the Creator had good intentions because this moves him forward?

Answer: Yes. The removal of contradictions is the reason for attaining perfection. At the same time, the greater the contradiction, the greater the pleasure afterward.

The Kabbalist constantly lives in such contradictions. At first, he does not justify the Creator when seeing a paradox in what is happening, and then he understands that all this was for his own advancement.
From KabTV’s “Introduction of The Book of Zohar” 8/6/23

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