When The Small One Is Above Everyone

236.02Question: The Creator loves me, but at the same time He torments me. We feel the most painful and massive suffering at the level of our world. There is a great desire for them to become “sufferings of love” where I want to connect with the friends and feel them as myself, but I cannot. How can we move from corporeal suffering to spiritual suffering of love?

Answer: It depends on you which sufferings are big and which are small. Take the Creator by the hand and bring Him to a friend who is ill, so that He can calm him down and heal him. Try to be more realistic about things, and do not just say: “I pray… I think…”. You lack a more real attitude.

Question: How can you combine self-annulment before a friend where you are the smallest one, and at the same time bring him to the Creator?

Answer: For this action, you are the smallest. But with the help of this action, you are the biggest. This is what is said about Moses: He felt and placed himself below everyone, and therefore was above everyone.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/30/23, “Revealing the Glory of His Kingship”

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