What Pear Would You Give?

112Question: A little boy plucked two pears from a tree and brought them home. Mom asked, “May I try one pear?” The boy thought about it, then took a bite from both. Mom thought that her son was greedy and she needed to have a conversation with him about greed. But the boy suddenly handed her a pear and said: “Both are delicious, but this pear is much sweeter.”

How can one learn to give the better thing to the other?

Answer: In general, this is the correct state in children. Because for them to take a bite, try, and then give it to the other is natural. Just like small children pull a pacifier out of their mouth and hold it out to you as a sign that they love you.

Question: Yes, exactly so! But here the emphasis is precisely on the fact that he gave his mother the better pear. The sweeter one. Is that what you mean?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Why do we, once we grow up, give the others the less sweet pear?

Answer: We are getting smarter. This is a child; he does not have much egoism yet, and therefore he does it wholeheartedly.

Question: What is our cleverness and our growing up? I mean, our growing up is that we do not give the best to others, but we keep the best for ourselves. Is this growing up?

Answer: Of course.

Question: Why does this happen?

Answer: Because our egoism always turns everything to the opposite.

Question: Are we aware of this?

Answer: We are aware of this. I remember it even on myself, that about two years ago I also did this; I gave the best to the other. But then I had to mess it up. They gave me two postcards, and they said to give one of them to my cousin. I did not know which one to give, because they were both beautiful, so bright, colorful, and nice. I had to do something with it, so I bent the corner of one postcard, rubbed it a little and then gave it away. I was already smarter.

Question: But did you realize that it was wrong of you to damage it specifically to give it away without a worry?

Answer: So that I know which one to give, otherwise I could not choose between the two.

Question: And the further the scarier?

Answer: Of course!

Question: When do we receive this feeling: “What am I doing?! How is that possible?!”

Answer: We need to learn a lot through examples. This is not easy.

Question: But does it always come to a person or may it never come?

Answer: It depends on the person.

Comment: That is, it may come, and then he is horrified that he wants to give the worst to the other all the time.

My Response: Yes. You see, I still remember this example.

Question: Apparently it does go into the heart.

When a person understands this, feels that he is like this, and he does not want to live like this, in such a nature, what should his actions be? Let’s say, I felt completely how I am giving the worst to the other

Answer: If this is already changing in a person and he begins to recognize this, then this is already the road to correction, to self-examination, and so on. This is already a cool thing.

Question: So can I internally tell myself that I am already going down some wrong path?

Answer: Probably, yes. Somewhere you are already getting close to self-examination.

Question: I remember you told me how you were sitting with your teacher, sorting coffee beans. This sorting them bean by bean was really annoying. Suddenly your teacher said to you: “Imagine that you are sorting these beans for your teacher, and the teacher will drink coffee made from these beans.” And let’s say, these others are for the friends.

Tell me, did that thought give you strength at that moment? You, in principle, perceived your teacher practically as a father. Does an exercise in thought give strength to a person?

Answer: Frankly speaking, at that moment, I do not think I understood it yet. But in general, of course, this is a great example.

Question: Did your teacher RABASH live like this himself?

Answer: He lived like this. I remember when he told me this, I realized how much I was not on topic.

Question: When a person finally understands that he is on topic, does it mean that he has reached some kind of straight line, has reached the path?

Answer: Yes, it is good for a person to reach this state.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 6/8/23

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