Blessed Problem

289Comment: When a person is under pressure from problems, you say that this is a blessing. The main thing is to keep the correct intention in any situation.

My Response: Of course. After all, everything that happens comes from the side of nature, which closes us, and surrounds us with its integral influence. If we feel some undesirable phenomena, it is only because these properties have not been corrected in us.

Through any bad occurrence or a manifestation of something unpleasant, I must see an instruction coming to me from nature to find out what else I need to correct and where I have something uncorrected. In the same way, when a person has some pain, this pain is an indicator of the disease, and then with the help of this pain, he begins his treatment.

Question: But what is the right way to do it?

Answer: We are given Kabbalah as a method for this.

Question: It often happens that even people who study Kabbalah ask you: “Why did this happen and how should I feel about it?”

Answer: They ask because they do not understand yet, they do not see the whole picture of the universe. But according to the correct approach, you have no right to destroy and change anything in the world. You have to change only yourself, and your attitude toward others. The world is a copy, an imprint of your inner self.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Problem-solving” 9/7/11

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