The Power of Hypnosis

547.03Question: Hypnosis is the imposition of one person’s desires on another. If everything is programmed, then why are there such factors in nature when one controls another through hypnosis?

Answer: We are all connected together in a common system. But there are people who see more, people who hear more, and those who communicate better with this system.

Look what Wolf Messing could do making others think in a certain way or catching their thoughts! How did he do it? He did not know himself.

The fact is that he was connected to some other system in which the past, present, and future already exist connected into one. It was as if he was traveling along this axis or rising to a level where his thoughts and the thoughts of another person were together. And because he was stronger, he imposed these thoughts on the other, good or bad, any thoughts.

Is not that clear? What do the various secret services do? How many such developers and specialists do they have? A huge number! I have seen it myself: one can point his finger at you in such a way that you will feel a blow.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Power of Hypnosis” 7/24/11

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