Sales Slogan for Spirituality

715Question: What is the selling point or advantage of spirituality, of raising a person to the next degree?

Answer: It depends on which society you turn to because there are several civilizations in our world. The selling proposition can be either equality, security, friendship, or connection. It can be getting rid of depression, environmental problems, or any family or social problems, i.e., everything that you protect people from within our world.

In addition, people not only get rid of something, but also get eternity and perfection. After all, in any case, even if I make my life on this earth as comfortable as possible that I will be filled and happy without limit, it will still end within some limit, in 70, 80, 90, even 100 years, but it will end.

And here I am invited to be filled in this world with the most kind, pleasant, safe, correct way of life and start from it, right now, to feel my next life and be born in this next life, in this new feeling. It is easy, simple, and not for me alone, but for everyone together. I am invited to feel such a slight intoxication when you rise and begin to really attain the next degree, the next state.

But the next degree, the state, is built on society, on the fact that everyone feels like one whole—we. This is not the feeling of each one where he feels only his small world and his small individual life. It is a feeling when we all add up to one common organism and feel the life of this organism.

It is eternal and perfect because it becomes like the upper force of nature, the Creator, because it is all in bestowal. And we become not a scattered organism, but gathered together in its parts into one huge great whole. And this organism exists forever because it is built on bestowal, and we feel it. It is called “the soul,” and there is one soul for all.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Advertising Image of the Spiritual” 7/16/11

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