Reveal the True Attitude of the Creator

276.02Question: You once said that when you go against the Creator and disagree with Him, it actually builds a person. That is, the Creator arranges everything in such a way that it would be difficult for you to go along, and you just close your eyes and go forward. It turns out that you do not always have to agree with Him, and then can He hear you?

Answer: It might be. It is like when you give a child something disassembled for him to put together. And sometimes you give him something assembled so that he can take it apart. Either way.

But in this, you still reveal the correct attitude of the Creator toward you; He does everything only for you to succeed on your path.

Question: So very strong perseverance and desire changes the system?

Answer: You cannot change the system itself. It is one and exists from the beginning. This is a rigid system. It simply manifests itself more and more in proportion to the growing desire in us.

We do not change anything and do not exist in anything else. We perceive one single, unique universe. As we develop, we reveal it more and more in relation to ourselves, but in reality, it is one and the same.

It is the same as when you wake up, gradually open your eyes, and begin to feel everything that exists around you. But it existed even when you were sleeping.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Manage the Creator” 8/13/11

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