Acquire a Spiritual Mind

962.2Question: Is it possible to acquire a spiritual mind through actions?

Answer: Of course! But only if we act purposefully.

What kind of purposeful action is in our world through which we can acquire a spiritual mind? Just one—to group together. This is what nature is offering us now. It offers a not very good method, but, in principle, this is its method. That is, there is pressure on our desires, and we have no choice but to obey.

Question: What is this submission?

Answer: It is in that we make unreasonable movements and just act for the connection between us.

Question: What are these unreasonable actions?

Answer: Unreasonable means those that I do not understand yet: Why they should be, how they work, and so on. But this is what children do and this is how they grow up.

Kabbalah calls us to do the same. It says we have no other choice. If we want to grow, if we want to understand where we are and why we are so unlucky, then we must act as nature shows us. Nature challenges us to connect with each other and become like it.

Therefore, Kabbalah calls: “Connect, be global and integral, like all of nature! See what it shows you. In your egoistic disparate connections, you cannot regulate anything, and you cannot control yourself and society.

Since nature has turned around and now shows you that it is one, you also must be one with it and with each other. As soon as you begin to act like this, you will immediately acquire the mind and realize that a completely different program is operating here.”
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Mind is in action” 8/19/11

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