Where Does Nobility Come from in Us?

571.03Question: The nature of man is egoism. But when I read the facts of the deaths on the Titanic, it struck me that the orchestra remained playing until the end. The Titanic was sinking, some people and women and children were put into boats, some people stayed onboard, some panicked, and all the while the orchestra played, played, and played to the end, and sank together with the Titanic.

Among other things, there was some billionaire who could have bought 30 of these Titanics, but he stayed on the ship and said, “Until the women and children are all saved, I cannot leave the Titanic.” Couples remained. Women were saved first, but some of them stayed with their husbands to end their lives together as they lived together.

Where does this nobility come from in a person? I am particularly struck by the orchestra that stayed to play. They could have been saved, so they say. Where does this power come from?

Answer: This may be because they all played together and supported each other with this.

As for women and men, it is natural that men in such cases suddenly feel the obligation to save women, children and women. And this can manifest itself everywhere and in everything.

Question: So, the fact that the four musicians stood together supporting each other and playing to the end, was it this force that held them?

Answer: It did. Because they connected in this place, therefore it held them.

Question: You have said more than once that we must look for this force together all the time, constantly, we, each individual, and the world. In this case, can any states be bypassed, so to say?

Answer: Yes, in this case we will not drown.

Question: What is in this force?

Answer: The fact that everyone holds the other. And what appears between them is already a special power of the Creator.

Question: Where does the fear go at this moment?

Answer: They do not feel themselves, they feel others, and therefore there is no fear.

Question: So when my concern is not for myself, but for another, then the fear goes away?

Answer: Yes, the nature of fear is solely self-care. And when a person thinks about others, he is not afraid for himself. He switches to care for life and the fate of another, and this is the most important thing for him. He is, in a way, getting out of himself.

And the nature of the panic that was around, on the contrary, closes in on itself.

Question: Is it possible to give some advice here? At such a moment, in a time of fear and internal panic, of which there are many now, how can you suddenly escape to a different level of life?

Answer: To do this, we need to strive to connect with each other, to be together. And then we will begin to feel like a common part of something common, higher. We will feel good and at ease.

Question: I want to ask you as a Kabbalist, you talk all the time about the connection between people, about a good connection, and at the same time you talk all the time about the connection with the Creator. If I make this connection with the Creator, what happens to me, to fear, to everything in general?

Answer: It just disappears.

Question: What does fear turn into?

Answer: It is not there, it evaporates because the connection with the Creator is above the animal level of our existence. And that is why we should strive for it.

Question: How do I reach this connection? The connection of a person with another can be imagined somehow, but how can a person connect with the Creator?

Answer: “Love thy neighbor as thyself.”

Comment: But it is a neighbor like yourself.

My Response: A neighbor is another like yourself.

Question: Where is the Creator here?

Answer: It is in this union that the Creator will be felt. It is felt precisely between you and the other. If you strive to feel the other as yourself, then instead of yourself and the other, you feel the Creator who actually fills everything, and there is none else besides Him.

Question: What kind of feeling is this?

Answer: This is the feeling of getting outside of oneself into another dimension, into another space. This is what gives a person a sense of a new existence.

We must strive for this.

Question: These four musicians who were together, did they have at least a little sense of the Creator between them at that moment?

Answer: I do not think they really had a sense of the Creator, but quite possibly they experienced the feeling of eternal perfection, elevation above animal life.

Question: So the music they played, was it in them all the time?

Answer: Yes, they were in it.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 5/15/23

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