Returning to Babylon

115.05Question: Why does each nation have its own function? For example, for many years Germany supplied the whole world with tsars and kings? There have been several empires (French, German, Spanish, British, and Portuguese), which in principle held the whole world in their hands.

Answer: We should look for the roots of this phenomenon in ancient Babylon where the relocation of people started, why they settled in certain areas, why they developed at a certain period of history, and why history was realized through them in such a way.

Everything comes from the ten Sefirot of the three million people of ancient Babylon. If we study this, we will see how it was implemented.

Today a universal intermingling is happening, and again ancient Babylon begins to manifest itself, only in a new form. There is practically not a single village in Europe in which Turks, Arabs, Africans, and other peoples do not live.

Today you walk around Paris as if you are walking through the Maghreb. If earlier it was felt that there are Parisians and visitors among them, today a dark-skinned population prevails. I am by no means a chauvinist, but I am simply saying that the world is moving toward intermingling of nations.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Dominance of America” 5/15/11

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