Communication at the Level of Thought

182.02Question: The most powerful thing that a person has is visual perception. But sensual desire, as you say, is many times richer and stronger than visual desire. Is there something similar between spiritual desire and material desire? How can it be described?

Answer: How can we depict desires? Only in the form of a vector, in the form of a direction: from something to something else, and what is the nature of this vector, what is its magnitude, its strength.

Desire is a physical force. And there are many such forces. They are all tied together and represent an immense, complex, infinitely intertwined network.

They are so interconnected at every millimeter of their vector by countless interweaving that they represent one single whole. But within this whole, each force exists on its own. Only their connection, combination, and inclusion in one another create one single piece. This is the entire creation.

Once we have a similarity of desires, we will no longer need any description. We will directly feel each other. If you and I have the same desires, then you and I have the same thoughts.

If we have different desires, then we have different thoughts, but they are in contact with each other. Why do we need to clothe it in words then? Why should we descend to the animalistic level when there is direct, vivid communication?
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How is desire arranged?” 6/27/11

Related Material:
The Material Desire of a Kabbalist
What Is A Thought?
Living Within The Desires Of Others

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