The Revival of Hebrew

549.01Question: Why is Hebrew used as a spoken language now?

Answer: It is because the Kabbalistic group that left Babylon with Abraham and organized a separate existence for itself according to spiritual laws took this language as their main language.

Aramaic was also used in Babylon. Aramaic and Hebrew are the source of all other languages. This is confirmed by many scientific studies.

The group of Abraham existed for 3,500 years before the collapse of the state of Israel that occurred 2,000 years ago, and they used this language as their own because they were in spiritual attainment.

The Jews wrote in this language about their spiritual attainments. The Bible, the Prophets, the Holy Scriptures, the Talmud, and the Mishnah are written in this language.

While in exile the Jews did not use Hebrew in everyday life, they only taught the Torah in it because they had fallen from the spiritual degree. Now we are reviving this language because we want to rise to the spiritual degree.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Uniqueness of Hebrew” 1/9/11

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