The Last Coin

236.02As we progress, the evil inclination, the power of egoism, comes out more and more harshly each time so that, in the end, we do not know what to do. It is as if a wall appears in front of us over which it is impossible to climb. And in the end, we come to the Red Sea, to the stormy, angry waters that are ready to swallow us up and cut us off from life.

Thus, we begin to feel all the forces of nature, but when we overcome all these states and include them in ourselves, we become stronger, and this is what our progress consists of.

However, it is said that if “The sons of Israel believed in the faithful shepherd Moses properly, they could hear his voice and be saved from the Klipa of Pharaoh.” This means that there is still some chance to get out, but the question is whether they use it or not.

Like in mathematics where negative multiplied by another negative yields a positive, it is also like this in spiritual advancement when leaving Egypt. If the majority of the group wants to work for the Creator for the sake of bestowal, then they can oblige Him to help them.

From heaven we are never given half; it is necessary to achieve the full measure of the revelation of evil, and then help from above will come in its entirety. Therefore, we can complain and make claims, but until we make the full measure of effort necessary in our state, there will be no breakthrough. And only when we put the last coin in the basket of efforts, then the Creator will help us achieve the goal.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/8/23, “Pesach (Passover)”

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