Image that Needs To Be Respected

165Question: Does the relationship of hierarchies between people change, for example, between you and students?

Answer: It is hard for me to say because, on one hand, I treat everyone as a student. On the other hand, internally, I treat them as friends. Here arises a problem of connecting to me as a teacher on one hand, and the difficulty of expressing myself as a friend on the other hand.

Now, I am gradually trying to do this, but I am afraid that in doing so I will fall in their eyes, and they will disregard me a little like one who is closer to them. This will complicate their path, they will accept less from me, and appreciate less. This is the way man is. I am afraid that by doing this I will not give them enough strength to move forward.

Therefore, I have to shout, push, show an example, and demand. If I am on par with them, then what will be an incentive for them? Will it be just that they value each other and value me above the fact that they see everyone as equal? It is very hard.

That is, I need to show myself as an image that they should respect. This will give them a driving force.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Prejudice Against a Friend” 11/24/12

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