Spiritual and Material Birth

260.01Question: There is a kind of parallel between childbirth in the material and spiritual world. In our ordinary life, the very process of birth, the pain that a child experiences, also happens in the spiritual, or is it just an allegory?

Answer: This is not an allegory! It is not a very pleasant feeling, but serious external and internal work.

The one who is being born also helps himself get out from within, to escape from this dark realm. It already seems dark to him, he does not want to stay there, he twitches, beats inside, as if in a cage. Meaning, the former good womb of the mother becomes a prison for him.

At any stage of our development, the beginning something seems good to us, then we discover the bad in it and strive for something better. It is the same here. This is growth, awareness.

Question: So this is the development of the same egoism?

Answer: Not only egoism, but attainment, awareness, sensation, and connection with the upper. It is a symbiosis of all kinds of attainments, sensations, and qualities.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Perfect Childbirth” 11/3/12

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Parallel Birth

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