Internal Discernments

1.02Question: Beginners studying Kabbalah have to go through a huge number of different states. Is there any kind of a safeguard that can somewhat smooth out this process?

Answer: When a person comes to us, he starts poking around the material himself. It does not matter if you talk or not; he does not hear anyway.

He can hear only when he turns on from the inside. But if he does not internally tune in to your wave, then no matter how much you talk, he will not hear. This is a well-known truth for us. So, we are open to everyone.

A person comes, begins to sort things out, fills up, departs, and approaches; he is internally shaken, and he begins to conduct some kind of research and sampling inside himself.

He must get through internal tests. Is it for me or not, why, and what for? He makes comparisons, analysis, and synthesis of all kinds of knowledge and understanding. At the same time, he needs to understand his internal system of the perception of reality, the perception of the material, to what extent he is objective or not, how to be as objective as possible in order to get closer to the truth which is completely outside of us, etc. That is, here a person goes his own way, and we cannot interfere in his inner work, we have no right.

We see how people study: some of them leave, some of them come, tens and hundreds. You have no right to tell anything to anyone; you just want them to understand as correctly as possible where they are. Let them leave later, maybe it really is not for them yet.

In principle, Kabbalah is meant for a very limited number of people in the world. And the rest will come to a common goal en masse, even those who have come and left.

This is not a method that is encouraged by egoism. Therefore, only people who are able to be reborn into a completely different being can remain here. In fact, a Kabbalist is a being of a different world.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Overheating of the Brain” 10/6/12

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