You Can’t Hold Anyone Back by Force

547.05Comment: You said that if a person is half a step away from leaving the group, essentially the goal he has been engaged in for a long time, then there is no point in holding him back because he no longer has the desire.

My Response: I am not in favor of holding a person by force. I feel that if I give everything I can, and the student does not become attached to our system through this, then his time has not come yet.

I don’t see much use in getting him interested and luring him in. I have no inner strength or inner motivation for this.

Maybe because my teacher Rabash had such an attitude that if his students care about connection between them and show support for one another, then in this state they should move forward. And if someone falls out of the general connection for some reason of his own, then he falls out.

You cannot hold a person by force. If he hears about the concept of the practical idea of correcting himself and the world, which he begins to feel the effect on himself in action, then he must make efforts and invest himself.

And if it does not do this sufficiently, then it is impossible to keep him recharged all the time.

Ultimately, he must learn to revive himself, to connect himself to an upper source.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call.  I am Fed Up With Everything!” 5/31/14

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