“I” Am Always Right!

507.05Comment: No matter how much of a scoundrel a person is, he always finds an excuse for his actions.

My Response: Otherwise he would not be able to commit them. At the moment when he is acting, he must feel absolutely right.

Question: But what can we do to justify the Creator and friends with the same confidence?

Answer: This is possible only under the influence of the upper light. The person himself is not capable of this.

On the contrary, the more we move forward, the more we attain our own meanness, our own impotence and insignificance. But if at the same time we put a lot of effort into connection with our friends, then through them we receive the upper light, which allows us to see our states as purely negative and vicious.

Then we have a great desire to get rid of our qualities. We begin to demand this from the upper light, which gave birth to these qualities, as it is written: “I have created an evil inclination.” We ask the Creator to correct these qualities.

Question: But why can a person justify himself without the light, and the other only by taking into account its influence?

Answer: Because we are in one single quality of our egoism, which is to love ourselves, justify ourselves, and take care of ourselves.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. ‘I’ Am Always Right!” 11/16/12

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