If There Is No Connection in the Group

49.01Comment: Sometimes you say to a student: “Do it this way.” And it is obvious that he is not happy about it because your advice is against all the rules. But you say: “It is better for your development,” and you leave him alone with himself.

My Response: But what can I do? Sometimes I need to show a person a little bit that he is close to spiritual actions, but slips past them, and does not want to enter into them. Inner egoistic security pushes him away from this and protects itself.

Question: You once gave an example: You are riding in a bus that is shaking and either you grab the handrail and you will be thrown out, or you will do something that is not typical of egoistic nature, grab a friend and it will help you. Is that really how it works?

Answer: If there is no connection in the group, it is very difficult to hold on! But through natural suffering, it is simply impossible! This is such terrible suffering when you have to give up your egoism in everything, in every element, and tear yourself to pieces slowly, piece by piece, in every cell.

Therefore, we need to understand what an amazing means we have, the upper Light, which we can attract through our correct interactions with each other. It can easily influence us and gently change us.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Correct Contact Between Student and Teacher” 1/11/13

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