Before Entering Adulthood

165Question: Sometimes you lead the whole group into such states that the students feel it is necessary to make an effort to get out of them. Is this part of your job?

Answer: Of course. This is education! Why else do you need a teacher in Kabbalah? A teacher leads the students through all the most basic steps of entering the upper world, and then they will be able to go further themselves. In our world, we do exactly the same thing with our children; we see them through until they become adults.

Question: During this process, do you experience what you say, or do you just act so that the students feel it?

Answer: No, I experience everything with them. The thing is, I sympathize with them, and I empathize. For me, this empathy is much deeper than theirs. If they do not succeed in something, or something is difficult and incomprehensible for them, I experience it much more than they do. It seems that I am even smiling, but actually I am very worried internally. I am able to survive this because I understand both the entrance and exit from these states and their necessity.

Just like in our world, for example, a child with food poisoning needs to fast. He cries and wants to eat, and his parents suffer from this, but on the other hand, they know they cannot give him food, and they have to wait. Or, for example, they know it is necessary to treat their child’s sore with antiseptic and it will burn, but they do it anyway, and this is not a big deal.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Tyrant and Despot” 10/25/12

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