Internal Reconfiguration

120Comment: Your most successful students are those who are receptive to reprogramming. They easily part with a certain firmware and change to another.

My Response: Of course; it is very important.

If a person has such natural flexibility, which is not easy to achieve because we go through huge internal transformations; if he is capable of it, is waiting for it, and is in anticipation that it will happen to him often, then he moves forward.

It is like a drug, when you just lose your head and then recover again. The same happens here, only you no longer recover because both in the heart and in the mind there is a serious internal transformation, reconfiguration, and upgrade. But it is wonderful!

At first such a restructuring seems like a strong blow to the head, and then you feel it as something necessary to get closer to the next step. You have to grow up to it.

In this life for several years you go through such transformations that people go through only when they die and are born again. And you can go through it even every day!

Therefore it is said that Kabbalah accelerates and eases development, because it is very difficult to go through such a shake-up, such an internal restructuring, without a group and without studying. After all, normally in order to undergo at least some transformations during life, you need really terrible suffering: illness, death, and to be born again.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Laitman’s Confidants“ 10/6/12

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Internal Restructuring

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