Audio Version Of The Blog – 4/19/23

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What Do We Celebrate During Passover?

252Question: Who are the Egyptians and Israelites in spiritual work?

Answer: The Torah speaks of a person as an object that includes the entire world. Everything is inside a person.

The Egyptians in us are egoistic forces; the Israelites are altruistic forces or forces that want to be altruistic but are under the control of the Egyptians (egoism).

Pharaoh represents the entire egoism in which we exist.

The Creator is the upper force that governs Pharaoh, Moses, and everyone else. His task is to bring all creation to become similar to Him, to altruism. But this requires recognizing egoism as evil and exiting it.
Moses is the force that represents a part of the Creator, which is located inside a person and pulls him forward to the revelation and attainment of the upper spiritual qualities.

Between these forces, interactions occur where a person feels within himself which of his desires are egoistic, which are altruistic, which require a connection with the Creator, and which cling to the Pharaoh.

Thus, he sorts them out in himself, and as a result of his work understands what is speaking within him; he sees that he is completely under the authority of the Pharaoh. Wherever he turns, there is the Pharaoh hiding inside of him.

It seems to him that he is already working for the sake of bestowal and love for the other and that he is above all earthly egoistic desires, but he continues to constantly reveal them inside himself. In the end, he does not just despair, but he is convinced that the Pharaoh owns him 100%.

At the same time, a special point becomes apparent within him called Moses, which opposes the Pharaoh. It enters a fight with him and condemns itself to the ten Egyptian plagues, which must be performed on the egoism. In this way, a person begins to understand that he can get rid of the ego. But how? This is not clear yet.

With this feeling, he enters the dark night, where, on one hand, it is not visible and it is not clear how the redemption takes place, but on the other hand, he longs for it. This night is called the night of the exit from Egypt, which we celebrate at Passover.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 4/11/23

Related Material:
The Night Of The Exodus From Egypt
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Passover: To Become Human

744Question: Passover symbolizes the exit of each of us from the animal state. But it all starts with the Creator’s promise to Abraham about inheriting the land of Israel. The land of Israel is Eretz Israel, the desire for the Creator. Did nature originally provide that every person will achieve this quality?

Answer: In general, yes. As a result of our development, absolutely all people on Earth must achieve the quality of “Man – Adam,” that is, similarity to the Creator.

Question: What does “becoming a Man” mean from the point of view of Kabbalah? What is this degree?

Answer: “Man” is “Adam” in Hebrew, from the word “Domeh,” which means “similar to the Creator” or “in God’s similarity.”

What does “in God’s similarity” mean? Since all the qualities of the Creator and His attitude to everything that He has created are love, bestowal, and good feelings, then a person who acquires these qualities becomes like the Creator and is called a Man. And before these qualities are acquired, he is considered an animal.

In other words, if a person is in his natural egoistic qualities and cares only about himself, then this is called an animalistic state, and if he cares about others and the altruistic quality of the Creator is in him, then this state is called Man.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 3/26/21
Related Material:
Grow To Be Human
Gliding On The Waves Of Desire
A Request To Be Made Human

The Miracle of Getting out of Egyptian Slavery

236.02Question: What is the miracle of getting out of Egyptian slavery?

Answer: The miracle is that, in principle, it is impossible to get out of slavery. We were born and exist with the intention for ourselves, and only through the help from above, with help of the Creator, can this intention turn into an intention for the sake of bestowing to others. This is how we get out of Egypt.

The miracle is that the new qualities of bestowal and love appear in us instead of the qualities of reception and hatred.

A person himself must consciously ask for these qualities, and then the upper force of nature will begin to cultivate them in him.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual states” 4/20/22

Related Material:
The Night Of The Exodus From Egypt
The Miracle Of Exiting Egyptian Slavery
The Miracle Of Exiting Egypt

The Internet Is an Indicator of the Level of Earthlings

962.6Question: With the development of technology, people are increasingly immersed in Internet and social network addiction. You have said this is the same as drugs. How can it be treated?

Answer: In everything that develops we must realize the positive and negative sides. So far people are just playing at it, and they are playing, of course, with their egoism.

The whole Internet is a demonstration of who we are inside. When you enter the Internet, you see what humanity is. If there was some kind of extraterrestrial civilization, it would be enough for them to look into our Internet, see what is there, and they would immediately understand that there is no point in contacting us as there is nothing at all to talk about with the earthly civilization.

But this is the beginning. In principle I am very glad that this network is developing on its own, and then we will adapt it in the right direction. There will be several more hurricanes, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions, and there will be drought, severe cold snaps, and starvation. The future is preparing many unpleasant surprises for us.

Humanity, eventually, will begin to understand more and more that there is nothing it can do. Involuntarily the opportunity to do all sorts of stupid things will be taken away from us. When there is nothing to eat, you will not scour the Internet in search of dubious pleasures. When you have no electricity at home and the water level rises from below, or everything is burning from the heat, then you will not be up to looking for some entertainment. So there is an awareness of the need for correct development ahead.

It is very simple—get closer to each other and enter into homeostasis with nature. That is all. It is the law of equilibrium. The law of equivalence.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Internet Addiction Treatment” 11/3/12

Related Material:
The Internet: The Mirror Of Humanity
Wonderland On The Internet
The Internet As The Means Of Attaining The Goal

If There Is No Connection in the Group

49.01Comment: Sometimes you say to a student: “Do it this way.” And it is obvious that he is not happy about it because your advice is against all the rules. But you say: “It is better for your development,” and you leave him alone with himself.

My Response: But what can I do? Sometimes I need to show a person a little bit that he is close to spiritual actions, but slips past them, and does not want to enter into them. Inner egoistic security pushes him away from this and protects itself.

Question: You once gave an example: You are riding in a bus that is shaking and either you grab the handrail and you will be thrown out, or you will do something that is not typical of egoistic nature, grab a friend and it will help you. Is that really how it works?

Answer: If there is no connection in the group, it is very difficult to hold on! But through natural suffering, it is simply impossible! This is such terrible suffering when you have to give up your egoism in everything, in every element, and tear yourself to pieces slowly, piece by piece, in every cell.

Therefore, we need to understand what an amazing means we have, the upper Light, which we can attract through our correct interactions with each other. It can easily influence us and gently change us.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Correct Contact Between Student and Teacher” 1/11/13

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In A Boat Through The Waves
All In One Boat
The Law Of Communicating Vessels

Work on Getting Closer To Each Other

276.04Now we must begin to connect with each other, that is, to not destroy the egoism that separates us, but to connect above it. Knowing that you and I are opposites, completely distanced from each other, and maybe even hate and dislike each other, we still have to start working on getting closer to each other, on interconnection. And so should everyone with everyone!

Do you understand how much suffering we will have to endure in order to go toward each other at least a little if we do it under the pressure of external forces? Imagine what hurricanes, explosions, exterminations, sunstrokes, and famine we have to endure so that people can become a little closer to each other, caring and listening to one another! Nature will roll over us like a steamroller.

Or we will understand and begin to ask: “Give us the opportunity to rise above ourselves,” and thus we will get strength and new qualities, and begin to get closer to each other. Then it will be pleasant and easy, although we do not have these qualities in us. They will appear as desirable, but only if we invite them.

If not, it will be just awful! Even in order for humanity to annul its enormous egoism, that is, to rise above it, requires terrible suffering and deprivation! A person must experience unbearable horrors in order to give up his “I.”

But if we only ask, we will go the easy, pleasant way. But this requires recognition. That is why we are trying to disseminate the wisdom of Kabbalah.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Threat During Pregnancy” 12/7/12

Related Material:
When Will the Awakening of the World Come?
Striving for Good Connection
Show an Example of Unity

How Should We Introduce a Person to the Wisdom of Kabbalah?

281.02Question: How should we introduce a new person to the study of Kabbalah together with the whole group?

Answer: Gradually. After all, we are talking about wisdom that is above our nature. It talks about everything in a completely different way in different terms, qualities, and forces. You need to get used to it gradually. We are trying to adapt the Kabbalistic methodology to our world, but it is not easy.

It is impossible to bring the upper world down to ours. There is a clear hierarchy of degrees and division by qualities, that is, by understanding. I cannot feel the upper world because now I am in different qualities from it. I do not see it, do not notice it, and do not feel it because I do not have these qualities. Therefore, I do not catch it in my network of sensations and understandings; I am not adapted to it.

The wisdom of Kabbalah is built on bringing a person slowly to this and allowing him to change his qualities gradually. But this happens only in the group. If you need to create qualities of connection with others, then the group is the place where you can do it.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How to Enter a Kabbalistic Group?” 12/12/12

Related Material:
A Wonderful Quality of the Wisdom of Kabbalah
What Does Kabbalah Give To A Person?
Knowledge Of Kabbalah Is Indispensable

Perception of The Book of Zohar

65Question: Why don’t you give as many explanations while reading The Book of Zohar as when studying TES?

Answer: Because The Book of Zohar is not perceived by us at all. Baal HaSulam made some connection between us and it through his scientific Kabbalistic explanations. And the rest of the original texts of The Zohar are not Kabbalistic but descriptive, semi-cryptic, and therefore, difficult for us.

But on the other hand, it is very easy, because reading it, you feel that this does not apply to you at all, and it therefore seems to be easy to build the right intention. However, it is necessary to somehow get attached to the text, so Baal HaSulam made additions.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Zohar or TES?” 11/3/12

Related Material:
How to Read The Book of Zohar
Read The Book of Zohar Through Others
The Power Of The Book Of Zohar

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 4/19/23

Preparation to the Lesson

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1st part of the Lesson — Connecting the World

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2nd part of the Lesson — Writings of Baal HaSulam, “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah,” Item 17

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Selected Highlights

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