Passover: To Become Human

744Question: Passover symbolizes the exit of each of us from the animal state. But it all starts with the Creator’s promise to Abraham about inheriting the land of Israel. The land of Israel is Eretz Israel, the desire for the Creator. Did nature originally provide that every person will achieve this quality?

Answer: In general, yes. As a result of our development, absolutely all people on Earth must achieve the quality of “Man – Adam,” that is, similarity to the Creator.

Question: What does “becoming a Man” mean from the point of view of Kabbalah? What is this degree?

Answer: “Man” is “Adam” in Hebrew, from the word “Domeh,” which means “similar to the Creator” or “in God’s similarity.”

What does “in God’s similarity” mean? Since all the qualities of the Creator and His attitude to everything that He has created are love, bestowal, and good feelings, then a person who acquires these qualities becomes like the Creator and is called a Man. And before these qualities are acquired, he is considered an animal.

In other words, if a person is in his natural egoistic qualities and cares only about himself, then this is called an animalistic state, and if he cares about others and the altruistic quality of the Creator is in him, then this state is called Man.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 3/26/21
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