Turn the World Toward Good

944As a person develops, he changes not for the better or for the worse, but toward a sharper understanding of the state in which he is. As a result, we really realize that all our movements and all our development come only from our egoism, which has no future. We will nevertheless have to part with it and see that the future is only in the forces of bestowal and connection. Our egoism should lead us to this conclusion, and this is why it is called help against you.

Do not count on governments suddenly realizing the destructive evil of egoism and ending wars. To the government come those who are one hundred percent egoistic, and therefore they are not capable of such awareness. Awareness requires two opposite foundations in a person, at least some grains of goodness. But once a person gets to the level of a ruler, the last drops of goodness absolutely disappear in him, and only one aspiration remains: to rule more and more. Therefore, it is impossible to directly influence the rulers, but we can influence the Creator who will already do what is necessary with them.

If our worldwide Kabbalistic group, in the volume that exists today, all the men and women, feel the force of connection between us and within it our connection with the Creator, then this will be enough to turn the world around.

The world does not need much. There are billions of people in it, but their desires are very small, and therefore they cannot do anything themselves. However, the desire of Kabbalists to connect with each other and connect around themselves all of humanity through good relationships is thousands, billions, of times greater than all the egoistic qualities and connections that exist in the world.

Therefore, we only need to take care of how to become representatives of good relationships to everything, that is, representatives of the Creator at the level of our world. Then everything will be great. We just need to build a strong, devoted connection between us. When we really feel that we exist in one heart, we will be able to go out into the world, and the world will feel the force of good emanating from us that is so urgently needed by it as it is the only force capable of correcting the world.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/10/23, “Connecting the World in the Last Generation”

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