Step to the Left, Step to the Right

546.02In the News (EurekaAlert!): “Researchers from Japan have found that young infants can make and act on moral judgments, shedding light on the origin of morality.

“In a study recently published in Nature Human Behaviour, researchers from Osaka University, in collaboration with Otsuma Women’s University, NTT Communication Science Laboratories, and the University of Tokyo, revealed that 8-month-old infants can punish antisocial behavior exhibited by a third party. Thus, the motivation driving punishment might be intrinsic as opposed to learned. …

“‘We wanted to know whether third-party punishment of antisocial others is present at a very young age, because this would help to signal whether morality is learned.’

“To tackle this problem, the researchers developed a new research paradigm. First, they familiarized infants with a computer system in which animations were displayed on a screen. The infants could control the actions on the screen using a gaze-tracking system such that looking at an object for a sufficient period of time led to the destruction of the object. The researchers then showed a video in which one geometric agent appeared to ‘hurt’ another geometric agent, and watched whether the infants ‘punished’ the antisocial geometric agent by gazing at it.

“’The results were surprising,’ says Kanakogi.  ‘We found that preverbal infants chose to punish the antisocial aggressor by increasing their gaze towards the aggressor.’ …

“’The observation of this behavior in very young children indicates that humans may have acquired behavioral tendencies toward moral behavior during the course of evolution,’ says Kanakogi. ‘Specifically, the punishment of antisocial behavior may have evolved as an important element of human cooperation.'”

Question: How do you feel about this? Do we have it in us? Can this point be developed in us?

Answer: Yes, but this is not because of the correction of a person. This is because people today are born with such developed qualities that they are more empathetic and understand empathy more. This is a consequence of the development of the soul.

That is, the suffering has accumulated and concentrated in such a way that people can feel the other.

We see this both in public relations and in what people write and say. People are learning. People are learning and they are ready to understand each other more. This is based on egoism; there is nothing altruistic about this.

Question: Does it mean that now precisely such souls are descending into the world that can empathize?

Answer: They understand empathy more because they are more interested in it personally.

Question: What should it develop into?

Answer: They will conclude that altruism is preferable to egoism.

Comment: You keep adding that egoism is the basis of everything.

My Response: Of course. This is already good. This is a form of developed socialism.

Question: How can we accelerate this? Should this be accelerated?

Answer: It can be through all kinds of examples and encouragement.

Question: You keep saying that it is necessary to create a society that will constantly encourage these good deeds. Do we then disperse this empathy more and more?

Answer: Possibly, yes. It is possible that this will accelerate it in some way.

Question: What is the final state of this point of empathy?

Answer: The final state is the creation of a good, correct, real socialist society.

Question: What, in your opinion, is true socialism?

Answer: It is an ideal social system when everything is done to make people feel good. But absolutely everyone.

That is, everything is built in such a way that you cannot do something in one way here and in a different way there, better for some and worse for others, and so on. This is a must for everyone!

Question: Do we have these presuppositions? If we just need to develop this, then we will reach such a society?

Answer: Yes.

Comment: Then a person is born in order to reach this socialist society in such a form.

My Response: Of course.

Question: Where is this upper force that you talk about all the time? Where is the Creator?

Answer: Without the upper force, they will not be able to do this.

Question: What do we have to tell the Creator to get there?

Answer: Allow our egoism to agree and come to such a result.

Comment: Otherwise, our egoism says: “I need more, not him.”

My Response: It will not allow us anywhere. Any step aside, either to the left or to the right, will mean death. Moreover, in such fanatical, ugly, and underhanded forms that with all our pre-thought-out and prepared beautiful intentions, suddenly we will see that I cannot dodge it in any way. I want to reach out and give, but instead, I suddenly see in the process that I cannot give, but only take.

Comment: I see. This is egoism.

My Response: Yes, it is such a fight within yourself, but it is beautiful.

Question: But is it really important for me to see this? To say that this is inside me.

Answer: Of course.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 6/13/22

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