Toward a Complete Picture of the World

508.2Question: To what extent do you feel this world? Is there still some sort of borderline? If some experts in their field come up to you and claim: “I am very good at it,” and you do not need to plunge into it. Is there any borderline here?

Answer: If specialists in something artificially created by man in any field come to me, then I can learn something from them for the purpose of dissemination. And for my personal spiritual elevation, I do not need any specialist.

But since I deal with teaching, that is, I turn to students, I am happy to meet with specialists. They help me find new examples and develop the language.

I published several books with psychologists. And I can also talk about Kabbalah with historians from a historical perspective, and so on. That is, I am ready to communicate with them.

Let the physicists come. It is more difficult to find a common language with them, but still it is possible somewhere on the so-called “periphery.” In other words, there is no common language inside physics and Kabbalah, but outside there is. For example, if physicists begin to tell me about all sorts of processes that take place in atoms, I will see them in the form of Reshimot, light, and Kli at different levels of entry and exit of the light when the screen expires, suppose from Tabur to Peh. It is interesting for me.

The same is true about chemistry, biology, zoology, and so on. The principle is the same! The exchange between plus and minus is all nature! There is nothing else. This is at different levels. After all, an electron, an atom is the basis of everything.

I have always strived for a complete picture of the world. A partial one never suited me. I could not stand a partial one! What is the point in sitting somewhere in a corner and picking at bugs there?! I could not stand it!

Only the general picture! Only the global one! You see, you understand, and you connect all the elements of the picture into one common whole, harmony, a huge panel, a palette of everything. It is breathtaking when everything opens up in front of you, and you see and feel it! It is fantastic!
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Border between the Spiritual and the Corporeal” 1/28/12

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