Spiritual Laboratory

938.03Comment: Sometimes you tell your students: You are an experimental group, and a methodology is being worked out on you.

My Response: I work with them. They are changing, and thus we can find out increasingly higher and deeper layers of nature.

I allow myself to open up to the extent that they change. Just like any teacher if he has more advanced students, he can talk to them on higher topics.

Question: What is best for you and your laboratory?

Answer: I wish they were at my level! That would be the best thing. We would do experiments together.

Question: If there are 10 to 20 people next to you who are in spiritual attainment, what is the benefit?

Answer: This would give a completely different exploration of the world. I would really like to have 10 to 20 such students so that all mankind will rise up! We would have been on a completely different degree already! It is a different dimension!

This is not our world, but the lowest state that we do not feel. What should we live for?! Not for the sake of our mortal body, but in order to exist on a spiritual level, in attainment, and in reciprocity!
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Spiritual Laboratory” 1/28/12

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