Thought Connected with Desire

256Comment: You say that sometimes we underestimate the power of thought and the extent to which it is possible to turn everything around using thought.

My Response: Thoughts and desires are the most important and highest forces that instantly permeate the entire universe from end to end. Instantly! There is no greater, higher, or stronger power than the mind connected with desire.

All other forces are much smaller. If we were given the opportunity to use thought and desire purposefully, we would destroy, burn, and ruin everything around us immediately.

The fact is that our egoistic forces of the heart and mind (meaning desires and thoughts), manifest themselves within us in a very weak form at the level of our world. And as soon as we begin to possess the altruistic forces of connection (the right line), to this extent we begin to develop the left line—negative, egoistic connections.

By managing both forces,, we are constantly creating a system of balance. Then the middle force (the middle line) is revealed, called the supreme force of nature, the force of unity.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Power of Thought is the Manipulation of Consciousness”

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Thoughts And Desires
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