The Loss of the Spiritual State

747.01Comment: After the ruin of the Second Temple, the Jews could not maintain their spiritual state and dispersed to different countries.

My Response: These were no longer Jews, but a lost nation from which ten tribes had previously left. Two tribes remained who passed from country to country. Where they were allowed to take shelter, they settled down for tens or hundreds of years, and again they set out on the road.

It is remarkable. There is no such nation in history that was suddenly expelled from some country. I can’t imagine any comparison when a whole nation, hundreds of thousands of people rise together and go to another country.

Question: But how did Jews relate to this themselves?

Answer: The main thing is to save and preserve what we have because we must be one nation.

Comment: Nevertheless, although Jews are together, they still have no spirituality.

My Response: It exists, but not at the same level as before. The understanding that spirituality—a connection with the Creator and a mission that exists in the people—was all there, but there was no obvious manifestation of this.

Look at the books they wrote. They have not completely lost the understanding that there is an upper world, attainment of the Creator, and work for the Creator. Take and read these books. They knew they were cut off from it.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. What to Expect from the Jews?” 1/21/12

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