Jerusalem: Under the Influence of Two Forces

4Question: When people living in Israel come to Jerusalem, does the upper light influence them there?

Answer: Of course, I feel it very much. Baal HaSulam also wrote that he was proud that he was able to choose Jerusalem as the place where he lived and taught Kabbalah.

He emphasized that no Kabbalist before him since the ruining of the Jerusalem temple, when the pure, altruistic force disappeared and an impure, egoistic force appeared instead, could establish his own school there.

Today Jerusalem represents the lowest, most egoistic force in the world. But at the same time there is also a positive, altruistic force. Both of them, as if from above, are in a constant battle over this city.

Therefore, Baal HaSulam was proud that he was able to create his own Midrasah (Beit Midrash) and school there. None of the previous Kabbalists could do this since Rabbi Shimon, who was forced to leave Jerusalem. The greatest Kabbalist of the 16th century, The Ari, did not succeed either. None of the great Kabbalists could do this except Baal HaSulam. At the same time, he pointed out that this place is still very egoistic, anti-spiritual, and it is felt through people.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Jerusalem Syndrome” 4/7/12

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To The Merging Of The Higher Jerusalem With The Lower
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