We Are Asking for the Wrong Thing

534Question: There is a parable about a carpenter who arrived in heaven. He met God there and got into conversation. God said: “How I envy you!” The carpenter replied: “Why?” “Because your chairs do not run after you and do not constantly ask: “Give me money, give me health, give me happiness!”

The question is why does the Creator get annoyed with a person who asks: “Give, give! Give, give!”?

Answer: He gets annoyed by the wrong requests.

Question: Is it wrong to say: “Give health! Give me happiness!”?

Answer: No. Everything is a consequence of the good deeds of people. Therefore, if they would have asked to draw closer to each other, they would have had everything. And they ask for what they have to earn themselves.

Question: So, you are saying that, in general, there have been prayers for millennia, people have been praying for millennia, and they were not praying correctly? Incorrectly, actually? Because we do not have much happiness, we do not have much money.

Answer: Yes. We are gradually, gradually maturing over the millennia to the state where we finally understand what the real correction is. And it is not asking for anything, but using what is there already. All the conditions exist to correct the world. And they are all about treating each other with love. If you cannot do it, really cannot do it, then you can turn to the Creator.

Question: Is that a prayer?

Answer: Yes. And there is nothing else to ask for. Give me the opportunity to treat another with love as You treat us!
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 12/15/22

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