Prayer of Eight Billion

260.01Comment: It is very difficult to imagine that a person walks around and thinks from morning to night: “How can I love all my neighbors?! If I cannot love them, it is better not to live. I do not want to live like that!”

My Response: If we start to think about it and understand that the meaning of our life is to correct ourselves from egoism to altruism, then, in general, this is what we do.

Comment: Imagine if eight billion people would sit and think: “How can we love each other”? This would be utopia.

My Response: If they imagined themselves like that for a second, it would be a prayer of eight billion! It would be fulfilled right away.

Question: Do you believe that someday this will happen?

Answer: Yes. Gradually, all kinds of negative emotions, rejections, and disappointments are accumulating in humanity. In the end, everyone will come to this.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 9/25/22

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