Excesses and Progress

565.01Question: Where did people get the need to take care of their bodies—at least physically? After all, if you look at animals, they do not play sports.

Answer: Animals instinctively play sports. It does not happen that an animal eats and goes to bed. It will eat, run a little, and then lie down.

There is no such thing that it eats twice as much as it needs. Let’s say a tiger caught an antelope. He will eat his share and leave the rest; he will not overeat. He does not stock up. Nature does not allow him to do this so that he is always on the move, in labor.

But man, because he has a mind, began to allow himself over his natural, innate way of life. However, he has freed up time for progress.

He started to generate electricity, which does not exist in nature, energy, gasoline, and create engines, mills, and engage in intensive farming, use animals, horses, and so on. That is, he began to free himself from constant concern for necessary processes, and he acquired free time.

But what does he spend it on? That is the whole problem. That is what Kabbalah says: you cannot pass science to egoists because in the end they will free themselves for everything they have done.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Get high” 4/21/12

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