Don’t Make Me Feel Good, But Make Me Good!

236.01Question: In our life, as long as humanity has existed, there have been wars, and their instigators have always been men. Where in the nature of a man is such an essence to constantly either fight or play at war?

Answer: Firstly, they have not grown up, they are the same boys, not adults. An adult must eventually grow up over generations. During one lifetime, maybe not, but if generations had passed on the wisdom of life to each other, then this would not have happened.

After all, war is mutual destruction. And with it, you are not advancing yourself. By destroying others, you end up hurting yourself. History confirms this. So, there’s no point!

If the old people, who understand this, would pass on their wisdom to the young, taught them correctly and formed a different understanding of the world in them, the world would be different. We would not have spent a lot of money on the military, on police, and we would have lived just fine!

But our nature does not allow us to do this. So first of all, we need to correct it and not just have a nice life.

The general law of nature, the Creator, drives us to a certain goal and forces us to be fools until we realize who we are, that He is always tripping us up so that we finally give up, turn to Him and ask Him to remake our nature, change us— that is what you need.

Don’t make me feel good, but make me good! And then I will see the world as beautiful. That’s all! To change a request, a demand, an appeal to the Creator is what is required of us.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Men’s Games” 3/31/12

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