Stars Light Up in the Laboratory

272American scientists have made a breakthrough in the research of the process of controlled thermonuclear fusion. For more than 60 years scientists have been struggling with this problem trying to reproduce in the laboratory the nuclear reaction that naturally occurs on the Sun and other stars.

Thermonuclear fusion is a process directly opposite to nuclear fission, which is used in atomic bomb explosions. If such a synthesis becomes controlled, it will open unique opportunities for creating practically inexhaustible and environmentally friendly energy sources that do not produce harmful emissions of carbon dioxide or radioactive waste.

Experts say that one glass of liquid hydrogen—used as fuel for thermonuclear fusion—can provide a house with energy for several hundred years. It is assumed that poor countries will be able to receive virtually free energy in any quantity.

Of course, if this discovery comes to practical use, it will be a great gift to humanity. However, we have seen many times in the past that such great discoveries do not benefit men. There are many people who earn money by burning oil and gas, and therefore, they are not interested in such a discovery.

They will not want to give humanity such a big gift in the form of an unlimited source of energy. Therefore, I do not think that such a revolution in the energy sector can happen before humanity corrects itself for the benefit of the entire world.

There is no doubt that all suppliers of conventional fossil fuels that produce energy today will obstruct this process by all means.

We can talk about it only after the correction of humanity. But then we will no longer need thermonuclear fusion because we will connect with the source of upper energy, which operates in a completely different way. Then we will have no problem with energy, we will draw it simply from nothing.

There can be no success in the practical use of such a source of super-energy like controlled nuclear fusion until humanity succeeds in connecting with each other correctly.
From KabTV’s “Writers Meeting” 12/13/22

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